Our Partners

  • WRISC Family Violence

    WRISC helps to provide safety, support, information, advocacy, children's counselling, court support, and case management to women and children affected by domestic and family violence. WRISC provide services across the Central Highlands region of Victoria, and their service is free and confidential.

  • Ballarat Neighbourhood Centre

    The Ballarat Neighbourhood Centre is an approved Learn Local provider. Their pre-accredited classes are short modular courses designed for learners to gain confidence and skills. They focus on creating pathways to further education and training or a step to employment.

  • Inspire HQ

    Specialises in all things recruitment, HR and career services. Inspire HQ have assisted us in navigating employment contracts, position descriptions, and policies and procedures to ensure women, who may or may not have been employed before, will have a genuine employment arrangement.

  • Signature Software

    Streamlining core business systems and industry-specific processes are important business considerations that can determine whether a business thrives...or not. Signature Software is nationally renowned within the specialist fields of data mining, business intelligence and business analytics tools, to turn data into powerful insights for your business.